Mon 15 Jun 2020 08:40

In these challenging times, we know it can be infuriating and worrying if we believe that rules to keep everyone safe aren’t being observed.
That’s why Haverhill Rugby Club would like to let you know about the first safe steps we are taking on our journey back to rugby.
We’d like to assure members of the local community who see small groups of youths and adults training on our pitches that this is taking place under a system which adheres to strict government and RFU guidelines.
Fitness-based, non-contact training will take place in limited number 'bubble' groups under clearly defined social distancing and hygiene controls. Each group is required to have a track and trace system in place, and will have qualified coaches, who will ensure all rules are observed, for everyone’s safety.
We are a community club and we wanted to reassure anyone with any potential concerns about groups meeting up for sporting activities that the club is acting legally and responsibly and putting safety first.
These controlled training sessions will be commencing at the club from Tuesday 16th June.

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